Quick X ico review


Blockchain is a decentralized, computerized open record systems used to record all the cryptocurrency transactions. It is utilized by a worldwide system of PCs, which utilizes its database to deal with all the digital currency transactions. The Blockchain innovation guarantees realness of the exchanges and furthermore disposes of the impedance of the mediators. It anchors the character and individual data of the clients.

Cryptocurrency money and blockchain has brought people numerous advantages, yet extraordinary compared to other is that they can give quicker transactions, imaginative decentralized stages, and a scope of answers for endeavors too. Obviously, with such a significant number of digital currency platform accessible, it is essential to comprehend what separates every one from the rest so clients can figure out what is appropriate for them.

With that, this survey might want to present a stage that empowers the transaction of various digital currencies amongst gatherings and it does as such immediately. Called Quick X Blockchain Transactions, this platform gives moment results and without the high system expenses.

What Is Quick X

Quick X is a stage that effectuates the move between clients in a quick way and with low transactions charges. The stage likewise incorporates a multicurrency wallet, plastic, swap activity, and installment entryway. With the different components accessible through the Quick X convention, clients will have the capacity to direct transactions that supplant their customary managing an account system. Further, the stage speaks to another and all the more ground-breaking way to deal with transactions which clients might be unable to discover somewhere else.


There are numerous advantages related with Quick X. Here are the principle favorable circumstances of this stage with the goal that clients recognize what to anticipate:

Time And Speed

Initial, one of the fundamental points of interest of this stage is its basic role – which is to furnish clients with more prominent levels of speed and a considerably shorter time allotment for transactions. As the brand clarifies, the transaction here can take a matter of seconds so clients can satisfy their assignment and proceed onward with their day without worrying about the procedure.

Transaction Costs

Second, the stage enables clients to direct their transactions requiring little to no effort. Here, there are no go-betweens included, which tend to drive up the cost. Here, clients can direct their transactions without breaking the bank Further, on the grounds that the exchanges are fast, clients are unquestionably getting the incentive too.


At long last, the stage offers a high level of adaptability as well. This quality empowers clients to direct the transaction that they have to without being thwarted by confinements that can adversely block their prosperity. As the brand clarifies, versatility is a typical issue and this stage means to address it great.

Unmistakably, there are numerous advantages related with the Quick X Blockchain. This is a great, viable, and dependable stage that gives clients the help that they require in leading exchanges.

Quickx was established by an organization called Secugenius, which is a digital security organization situated in India. Quickx encourages all the off-chain transactions of Blockchain resources and supplies liquidity for cross-chain transactions of crypto resources. Quickx is a decentralized stage, which means to take care of a portion of the basic issues that Blockchain innovation faces today.

The Quickx convention intends to make a huge number of transactions with a cost which is alongside zero. Quickx will rearrange the Blockchain innovation by conquering the limitations of time, speed, cost and adaptability. The innovation depends on Lightening and Raiden arrange, which will associate all the Blockchains, encourage vendors and influence the exchanges to work quicker.

Token: QCX

PreICO Price: 1 QCX=0.07 USD

Price: 1 ETH=7,500 QCX

MVP/Prototype: Available

Platform: Ethereum

Accepting: ETH

Minimum investment: 1 ETH

Soft cap: 4,000 ETH

Hard cap: 29,123 ETH


Website: http://www.quickx.io/

Whitepaper: https://www.quickx.io/whitepaper/QuickXProtocolv1.7.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/quickxprotocol

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quickxprotocol

Blog: https://medium.com/@quickx

Written by: Nwangwu valentine ozoemena

Bitcointalk username: Mrvalentine

Bitcointalk profile url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2201567;sa=summary

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